Subud USA National Congress
Vancouver, WA May 25-28
Registration opens soon!

Vancouver, Washington, USA
Vancouver, Washington, USA
Rachman Cantrell at it again
While at Menucha, Honora asked me to take over the editing job for the Subud Greater Seattle newsletter. Hariana Chilstrom and Paul Nelson have been doing a masterful job but Hariana is leaving for parts unknown and Paul has his hands full with managing the Subud building enterprise, his non-profit organization (SPLAB) and his five year old daughter Ella! After receiving about it I accepted the post. It means a steep learning curve for me but with help I am hoping for a good outcome. Information and articles of interest to Subud members can be addressed to me at Everything should be in as complete a form as possible so I can copy and past as needed. I will do some editing if necessary. Including an image related to the story is very helpful. Please forgive me if I make mistakes! Thanks, Rachman.
Quick snapshot of our last Menucha event:
For me (Rachman) it was interesting in how smoothly everything went! I seemed to find myself wherever I needed to be, met who I needed to meet and experienced what I needed to experience! In past Menuchas sometimes I would feel out of place with more ups and downs but this time everything seemed in sync!
I especially liked the spontaneous ‘Virtues’ workshop of people hanging out in the ‘Barn’ with Joyce O’Halloran. I was a reluctant participant but very glad that I was drawn in by the sincerity and willingness of those in attendance! Some really deep work occurred that seemed to be of benefit to all who participated. Thanks, Joyce!
Another workshop that was powerful for me had to do with sounds. A young woman named Grace brought sound bowls and had us add our voices to sounds emanating from the bowls. With some hesitance I allowed my voice to be explored and heard! It was a truly liberating feeling! Near the end of the session we were sorted into groups of three with the idea to direct sounds of healing toward each other. I was touched by how well it worked in our little group! All the sounds were different for each of us depending on our different individual needs. On my turn sounds were directed toward healing pains in my back and it actually felt better afterward! I cannot comment on what others received but it was remarkable to me that healing energy seemed to flow out though sounds that I made!
I had not participated in the entertainment for many years but upon walking into the Wright Hall entrance Frederick Branchflower ordered me to put my name on the board with all the other entertainers. It is hard to say ‘no’ to Frederick so I wrote my name at the end! I sang a song prayer that I had received years ago that I had not done publicly until now. It felt good to finally share it. Thanks, Frederick!
The main testing was always done in the morning ( I am not a ‘morning’ person!) so I missed that part of Menucha but heard that it went well and generated some strong experiences for those who took part.
Other workshops had glowing reports of transformative effects with beneficial results dealing with current issues and world problems.
Getting to meet old and new friends was especially heart warming for me! We truly are brothers and sisters who love and cherish being with each other! I really felt the love going in both directions!
The Menucha retreat has always been the highlight of my Subud year and this one was no exception! It seemed that I received just what I needed! Amazingly the only times I have been disappointed with Menucha is when I have failed to attend! See you next time?
Leandra and T
Maryka and David Lynch