Monthly Archives: February 2017
SGS Annual Meeting Minutes
Subud Greater Seattle Annual Meeting January 29, 2017
Attendees: Oswald Norton, Halstein Stralberg, Hadijah and Sherwin O’Bar, Elisha Gullixson, Danella Mauguin , Alexa Wichert, Bakti Watts, Paul Nelson, Hariana Chilstrom, Ramon, Honora, Leandra, and Sophy, Debbie M. Santos, Insiah Caspers, Lorraine and Raphael Tedrow, Jim and Lucinda O’Halloran, Hadiyah Carlyle.
To put a context to the upcoming election of officers, Oswald spoke about the role of the committee and what makes a good chair, vice-chair, and member-at-large.
Nominations and testing for each elected position began.
The helpers asked the following questions:
- Does……have the talent and capacity to do the job for the coming term?
- How is it for the group?
- How is it for……….if she or he serves at this time?
Chair nominations: Honora, Hadiyah Carlyle, Hariana Chilstrom. Hariana withdrew. Honora was unanimously elected after the testing.
Vice-chair nominations: Lucinda O’Halloran, Jim O’Halloran, Hadiyah Carlyle. Hadiyah withdrew. Jim was elected after the testing. There was one opposition and two abstentions; folks didn’t want to lose Jim as a helper.
Ramon will step up as a helper now.
Member-at-large nominations: Bakti Watts, Lorraine Tedrow, Lucinda O’Halloran, Leandra, and Alexa Wichert. Leandra declined. Lorraine was unanimously elected.
Sherwin and Hadiyah agreed to continue in their non-elected positions as Treasurer and Sec’y.
Sophy and Leandra reported on their adventure at the Subud Youth gathering in Indonesia.
Respectfully submitted, Hadiyah Carlyle, Sec’y
Sunday, Feb 12 Kejiwaan Day

Please join us for a Kejiwaan Day at the Seattle Subud House. This will happen after Latihan, Sunday, February 12, 2017, and will include a potluck. Members are welcome to test questions with their Brothers or Sisters, have personal testing, or just engage in the process which is always informative and often life-changing.
The potluck will happen right after the general Latihan, but before the Kejiwan.
If you have not participated in a Kejiwan day before, it’s a time to test questions based on your interests and concerns, and a chance to deepen connections with other members and develop our Subud community.