Monthly Archives: February 2024
Ramadan info from Portland
Next General Meeting-potluck March 10th at noon

Meeting/Lunch this Sunday
Message from Rayma and Oswald
Hello to all from Rayma and Oswald in Los Angeles. We join with the entire group in our condolences to the Tedrow family upon the loss of our dear Subud sister Lorraine. We are so grateful for the person she was and the gifts she gave us as friend, member, and helper.
The rains here in Southern California let up after Tuesday evening. We’ve been safe and warm inside a small second-floor apartment in West Hollywood, where terrain is flat, and were not threatened by mudflows. We watch reports of destruction on TV, and held our breath hoping the L.A. River didn’t overflow its containment channel. It didn’t.
Before the rains started, on Saturday, Feb. 3, we were able to go to latihan at the Wilshire Center – the Subud house on Wilshire Boulevard. (It’s a 3-story building directly across the street from the La Brea Tar Pits.) We estimate there were about 15 women and 20 men at latihan. Afterwards, we enjoyed meeting and talking with new (to us) members and some old friends.
We send our best to everyone there in Subud Greater Seattle, especially our new committee! Annie, you’re performing a unique role of being both chairperson and temporary resident of the Subud house! That’s bound to bring new insights!
See you in April.
Notes from Annie!