Bapak 1975
Note from Rachman: I found it easy to donate to Susila Dharma and Subud USA by going to the Subud USA site and filling out the form there. It has a check box for donating to Susila Dharma and other Subud wings as well as to Subud USA with currently matching funds up to $15,000 till the end of the year!. If you can afford it let’s help meet that goal!
A Message From Subud USA
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thanks to the generosity of Subud USA members like you, in 2018, we were able to support many programs that will advance the Subud legacy:
– We allocated $28,000 to fund expenses of our National Helpers as they travel from coast to coast, visiting Centers and Regions in support of our Subud USA members.
– This spring, in preparation for the Freiburg World Congress, our members again answered the call, contributing $13,000 to the Melinda Wallis Fund to ensure that we could offer travel assistance to those in need.
– Over the last 12 months, $8,500 was donated to facilitate the cataloging, preservation and maintenance of our irreplaceable Subud archives, which are managed in the U.S. under the professional guidance of archivist Daniela Moneta.
– In the global arena, Subud USA earmarks over $36,000 in donations each year to support the operations of both the World Subud Organization and Zone 7.
There are other exciting developments across our Subud community as well. We are observing a surge in engagement of our younger Subud members, who are now moving into positions of responsibility as regional/national/zonal officers, helpers and representatives. This fall, many members who attend regional gatherings will be accompanied by their children, among whom are the next generation of Subud members and leaders.
The first steps, including approval from the regulator of the name and field of membership for the proposed Subud USA Federal Credit Union, have been completed. Although many steps are yet to be climbed before the credit union is established, we are excited about bringing to life what we believe is part of Bapak’s vision for Subud members in this world: a financial institution managed by Subud professionals that will support both our personal and organizational financial health.
We ask you today to donate to Subud USA (or continue your current gift) so that we can further our commitment to building a strong Subud family, both in the USA and around the world.
Please take a moment to complete our online donation form, which can be used either for one-time or ongoing financial gifts, or to indicate volunteer preferences. Help us bring Subud to all who wish to share in the gift of the latihan.
Sincerely, Lucas Boladian, Chair and Rafiq Dossani, Treasurer
A Message from Susila Dharma
Susila Dharma USA wishes you a very happy holiday season and a blessed new year!
Late autumn through the end of December is the season when we do our most intense fundraising. We hope that you pause for a moment to consider the wonderful work that Subud members have done around the world because of the inspiration of the latihan, and
join the Susila Dharma Network in supporting them. Please give generously; and, if you feel you can, continue to give throughout the year by making yours a monthly donation. All you have to do is check off the box in the donation form on our website. Donate now! With your help we continue to raise funds to support more than 20 projects here at home and throughout the world.