Tag Archives: Potluck

SGS Treasurer Summary Report

May 22, 2021

If You Haven’t Donated, Now Is The Time

Your committee appreciates everyone’s financial support. Even though Spring Street Center is able to provide some of our income needs. It is not able to cover all costs. Your donations, on average, cover only 51% of our costs.

During May, we were able to complete repairs which will prevent further water damage to the interior of the building.

We were able to pay for this work after Jim O’Halloran was able to obtain a $6,000 loan from the region. We now need to repay this loan.

Our goal for 2021 is to have everyone contribute something toward the upkeep of our center.  By giving a little each month, you become a part of  a membership dedicated to preserving our building for the future. If you have not yet donated this year, please do so! If you need a reason to donate please read the rest of this report. Thank you!

Future Expenses

The extensive wet weather this year allowed water to permeate the window frames on bedrooms 2 & 3 and our small deck on the 2nd floor.  Absolute Rot Repair Inc. completed the repairs in May and in the process, discovered that the shingles and under panel on the South side of our building should also be repaired withing the next 9 months. Due to the dramatic rise in costs for materials, we will need to obtain an estimate closer to the time that the work is scheduled.

Building Repairs Fund

We are looking for members who would be willing to contribute over and above their regular contributions so that we can both pay off our SPNW loan and build up savings for the next repair.  iTrip bookings for the remainder of the year will be able to cover some of our costs, but we anticipate that we will need additional contributions from the members. Earmark these donations for the building fund.

Building Rentals

Though we had to block out 2 weeks for repairs, iTrip was able to booked 3 rentals in Spring Street Center during May. 

Income of $4,989 for rentals from January through April was deposited into our checking account and helped reduce the amount we needed to draw on from SPNW to $6,000 of our $10,000 credit. 

Due to continued limitations from the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been no Hall Rentals during the same period.


Donations through May were up over April. Thank You to those who contribute. We hope that members who have not donated previously will now consider joining those who do so already.

If you believe we can handle our expenses through member contributions, please consider this:

On average this year, donations have covered roughly one half of our expenses. The rest has been covered by our enterprise. Every dollar donated by a member is appreciated.

Important! New name for donation checks to Subud Greater Seattle

Use only “Subud PNW – Seattle Center” on any future donations to our center.  Bank rules, recently changed, are delaying deposits.  Please be sure to change the “Pay To The Order Of” section of your handwritten or automatic withdrawn check from your account and use this name. If you intend to make your donation to the Region, please earmark your check Subud PNW.

Thanks for those who have setup monthly donations

Thanks to all our monthly donators who have a recurring donation sent from their bank.  You save on envelopes and stamps.  And, you don’t have to remind yourselves to write a check. These regular checks really help us meet our monthly commitments to the region and pay for our use of our facilities. 

If you’d like to know how to set up a recurring donation to our group through your bank, please contact me.


At the last helpers’ meeting it was proposed that members of our group have a potluck in the park across the street from Spring Street Center on July 4th. Is this something you would enjoy? Please contact a helper to give feedback. Stay tuned for further details!