Please come to our 2017 New Year’s Day party at the Seattle Center on Jan 1, 2017. It starts after Latihan. New Year’s Day is also “Hoppin’ John Day” in the Southern U.S. As in New Orleans we will have traditional rice and beans plus many other gourmet treats. Proceeds from donations will benefit SD USA and a recommended donation of at least $10 per person is asked or what you feel a gourmet meals is worth.

Debbie Machado-Santos 240 353-7678
Come and enjoy the cuisine of Debbie Machado-Santos, master chef, who just moved back from Washington, D.C. last April. ( Debbie is a chef and another chef (David Calderon from Chile) will also assist. David has been a chef on many cruise ships. Wow! Is this going to be a meal…
Evan Padilla will be giving short presentation on SD and it’s good work around the globe after the meal. Please come and start of the new year with great food and charity.
Thanks to Subud Greater Seattle who has underwritten the purchase of the food and to Debbie and David for the excellent preparations.
To plan, we need to know how many are attending, so please rsvp Hadiyah Carlyle at
Don’t miss this!