The Subud Pacific Northwest Regional Congress was held Saturday, March 19, 2016, at the Subud House in Seattle and the gathering resulted in a new Dewan being tested and elected:
Chair: Aaron Mann, Spokane
Vice-Chair: Paul Nelson, Seattle
Treasurer: Sherwin O’Bar, Seattle
Secretary; TBD
In addition to being the new Chair, Aaron Mann is an accomplished photographer and took many shots of the event (the good ones below which end at Halimah Bellows) and the wonderful potluck that was, no doubt, inspired by a blog post as to how to best create such a meal.
Danella Mauguin was honored as an Honorary Retired Helper and spoke very eloquently about how the Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud is a great gift to humankind and we are blessed to be able to practice it in the Pacific Northwest.

Danella Mauguín Certificate of Recognition