Call-In Latihan on Friday nights!

We are continuing to have call in latihans on Friday nights for all members.  The call-in number is 1-425-436-6260 and the code for men is 8632438 and for the ladies 2426147.   We can experience the latihan whenever or wherever we are and it can be as strong as in the physical group!  I would encourage members to join in and try it!

The way it works is that we call the number (1-425-436-6269) and give the code ( men 8632438 and ladies 2426147) , then announce our name when joining.  There is a quiet period from 7:45 PM till 8:00 PM, then the helper assigned will announce the beginning of the latihan.  You can listen with your phone or you can mute the voices if that is a distraction.  Usually at the end of the latihan we have a check-in to share how we are coping with life, health, changes, etc.  This has been a valued addition!  Please join us!  Keep safe!


Retro Subud photos:  Bapak visits Skymont, 1970 (click the link for the whole album.)