Dear Subud Greater Seattle Community – please read this update!
In the next few weeks we will have two opportunities for kejiwaan and fellowship with National and Regional Helpers, as well as a Regional Congress, Saturday, March 19th. Here is a handy schedule for you to clip and save and make plans to attend, test on your life’s pressing issues and even have the opportunity to support a creative Subud Brother or Sister by attending a reading and buying a book!

Sofia Nicoletti
Saturday, March 19, 10:15am to ??? REGIONAL CONGRESS. Subud PNW people gather to elect new officers and set a course for the region and give thanks to outgoing dewan members for the next two years. Bring food! National Helpers Benedict Herrman and Sofia Nicoletti will be attending. Regional Helpers will also be attending Latihan Sunday, March 20 to work with and support the new committee. The house will be rockin’ both days so come early to get a good seat for quiet time.
Sunday, April 3, after latihan in the Chapel, longtime members and recent authors Halimah Bellows and Paul Nelson read from their new books. Halimah will read and lead a discussion of Champion Your Career – Winning in the World of Work. Paul will read from American Sentences and be accompanied by Jim O’Halloran on flute. After Latihan, 1-3pm. Some snacks will be provided.
Saturday, April 9, 10:15am for quiet time and latihan at 10:30, then a Helper Development Day open to all current and former helpers and featuring Regional Helpers.
Sunday, April 10, we’ll have a Kejiwaan Day with Local Helpers, including a potluck after Latihan. Come with your testing questions and your organic, Fluton Gris and dairy-free, vegan food item, or just something good. Chicken? Potatoes? Veggie Stir-Fry? Lasagne? I mean, it’s up to YOU to make this meal good, so don’t “chips and salsa” your beloved Subud Brothers and Sisters. Showtime, after lunch. Who says we’re no fun?