Subud PNW Minutes 4.8.15

Subud Pacific Northwest

Board Meeting

April 8, 2015

Attending: Alexandra terHorst, Sherwin O’bar, Pete terHorst, Michael DuBois, Michael and Beata Alexander, Bhakti Watts

Alexandra called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Alexandra asked the group to “check-in” before getting the meeting started. There was sharing about the PNW dewan meeting bringing more closeness and a sense of common purpose.

Approval of the March meeting minutes:

Motion by Michael D, 2nd by Bhakti. Approved by acclaim.

Chair reports:

Bhakti – Preparing for upcoming Portland meeting this weekend.

Michael D – There have been problems with the halfway house nearby; a resident was trying to enter the house but the issue has been addressed with local police and the halfway house management. There will be a kejiwaan at Marius Hibbard’s house this weekend for the BSV group.

Helper reports:

Beata – Awaiting phone report on latest regional latihan. Hoping to get southern Oregon members to attend the national congress this year.

Michael – Men’s helper did not get on the regional latihan call this month, apparently no men were on the call either.

Housing Committee:

Committee members will be: Oswald will chair, Michael D for BSV, David Lynch for Seattle, awaiting a member from Portland.

Oswald (via email) – “In thinking about the PNW housing committee after last night’s officer’s meeting, I wanted to ask the center committee chairs: How can the Subud PNW housing committee could serve them? I want to talk with potential members about real work items that the centers are interested in getting help on.” Oswald noted he did not need answers tonight, but would like them to think about it and send him emails when they have some thoughts on how the committee could be of service.

Insurance policy update:

Alexandra is getting details together from the houses to get a single quote from one carrier. While the goal is to get lower rates overall, the Portland rate will go up no matter because the house was under-insured and also the square footage was 50 percent too low. Will advise when quote is received.

Regional Dewan Meeting:

Alexandra — Thanks to Oswald, Haris and Liza for the community building exercise for the dewan at the regional meeting. Also, she has started a new Facebook page for the PNW dewan.

Update on BAGH:

Alexandra – Elisha’s synopsis from the helpers meeting was reviewed reviewed. Alexandra asked national if PNW needs to send anything out, and Danial at SUSA said a letter went to all helpers nationwide, and the regional committee does not need to do anything further.

Menucha Pre Planning:

Alexandra – We should have committees up and running by mid-May. She would like to see a committee for scholarship in addition to family/youth.

Beata is going to reach to members who can organize a family/youth committee.

(Also need to ramp up for family camp, Michael D to ask Serena.)

Communications Committee:

Alexandra – Paul Nelson (Seattle) and Pete have volunteered, now needs reps from BSV and Portland. BSV will test some members. Alexandra wants to convene in two weeks, with a 1-2 hours commitment per month.

Quarterly Reports from Centers Due:

Alexandra – Need first quarter house budget and financial report from each treasurer for each house. Send a balance sheet at minimum.


Michael D — Will there be a regional BOD meeting at Menucha? This will determined at a later date.

Alexandra — If anyone has news for the national newsletter, please send it to Alexandra by next week.

Alexandra — CA and Canada Memorial Day congress reminders sent out today!

Next meeting date is May 13.

The meeting adjourned was at 8:35 p.m.