General Meeting Minutes, SGS, March 9, 2018, Bellevue

General Member Meeting Minutes 3/9/2018, Bellevue, WA

Attendees: Elisha, Danella, Aakarsh, Rachman, Ida, Ramon, Halstien, Marston, Lucinda, and Hadijah.

SGS Elected Committee: Honora, Jim O’Halloran, Sherwin O’Bar, and Leandra

Previous General Meeting minutes read and approved.

Financial Report:

Total outflows are currently $3,982.

It is not uncommon to be behind in the beginning of the year.

Recent improvements to the house have been made

Does Airbnb revenue affect SPNW’s non profit church status?

We are consulting a lawyer.

Does Airbnb revenue generate a federal income tax liability?

Portland’s House found that they did not owe any federal income tax with Airbnb.

Do we need to pay County property tax?

The committee is consulting a lawyer.

If we are found liable we will go to the SPNW Regional board for further action.


January and February are record breaking numbers for Airbnb revenue. This is due to two long term rentals during January and February of this year.


This year the committee approved a budget of 7,500 for house repairs.

Blinds have been installed

New carpet on the stairs has been installed

New brochures are being made for both SGS and The Spring Street Center

SGS Event ideas:

kejiwaan or events that can involve kids and friends of members.

Donations at door to raise money for house and member travel.

Open mic nights Honora

Movie Night -Marston

Game Night -Ramon

Raised garden bed in front of house -Leandra

Action Items:

Committee consults a lawyer for tax questions.

Questions stated above.

Helpers to look over SGS brochure and update content and layout.

Men and women helpers to schedule more meetings.