Author Archives: Oswald Norton

Information and link for This Friday & Saturday, Feb. 7/8, International latihan

Dear Helpers,

As we meet for the first time as a full dewan of international helpers, we would like to take this opportunity to invite all helpers from around the world, for a latihan together, followed by some test questions and a brief chat. This would be on Saturday, February 8th, 2025.

To make it convenient for all of you, we would like to offer 2 time slots:

  • The first would be at 2 p.m. in Indonesia (7a.m. UTC)
  • The second at 9 p.m. Indonesia (14.00 UTC).

There will be simultaneous interpretation available in most languages.

Please save the date; we will send you more details shortly. With love, the international helpers

ZOOM Invitation to Helpers Feb 8, 2025, 7.00 am UTC / 14.00 pm UTC

NOTE: The West Coast timing for the world latihans and testing will be Friday, February 7, 11PM Pacific; and, Saturday, February 8, 6AM Pacific.

Regional Kejiwaan Day Planned for April 26-27 in Seattle – All Are Welcome

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Subud Pacific Northwest,

The PNW regional helpers and Seattle local helpers are organizing a kejiwaan gathering on Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27.  All interested members are invited, and we especially hope those members in and near the greater Seattle area will be able to attend.

Saturday afternoon is envisioned specifically for helpers (local, regional, any other), and will be enriched by experiences of those attending the Helper Development weekend in February in San Jose.

Sunday all members are invited.  We hope to share latihan, testing, a meal, and whatever else emerges as we plan the agenda.

We hope to work with Subud Greater Seattle helpers to develop and refine an agenda for the gathering, beginning in February with those at the San Jose weekend.  We would like to hear suggestions from any members about what they would like to have included in our time together.  Our goal is to publish the agenda in early April.

With Love:
Athena Solbeck Robel
Daniella Gleeson
Liza Ramey Wolfgang
Rayma Norton
David Lynch
Oswald Norton
Samuel Czuba


Rosalyn Neel Informal Memorial Celebration


Sharing her favorite foods or yours!

Serena and Michael DuBois and Marius Hibbard invite you to a
fall potluck memorial for Serena’s sister, Rosalyn.

Sunday, November 10, 2024, at Marius’s house,
1501 Seventh Street, Anacortes, WA
Potluck begins at 1 PM.

Michael will bring his baked chicken, and I’m making the fall Cranberry-
Pomegranate salad, both of which were among Rosalyn’s favorites. We
welcome any dishes others might want to bring, particularly those you
might remember her liking. It can be a time to chat, reminisce and
share memories of her.

RSVP to or 360-724-3405.

A more structured event is being planned for some time in April of
2025 coinciding with the Tulip Festival, one of Rosalyn’s favorite times
of the year. It will be at the Croatian Cultural Center NW in Anacortes
and further info will be provided after plans are firmed up.

Robert Knill Memorial Service Information

Marius Hibbard, Robert Knill and Elisha Gullixson.

The Celebration of Life for Robert Knill will be held at the Stone Chapel in Poulsbo on Saturday, June 8, beginning at 12 noon.  Lunch will be served from 12:30 – 1:30 followed by a time for sharing and live music ending at 4pm.

Please RSVP to Marlena

to let her know if you plan to attend and if you would like to share something about your friendship with Robert.

Ferry Connection From Seattle
Please note that you would need to arrive at least 30 mins. early to catch the 10:40 Bainbridge Ferry to get to the Stone Chapel by noon. It is about a 20 or 25 minute drive from the ferry.

Seattle to Bainbridge ferry Schedule

The Stone Chapel is at 22272 Foss Rd NE in Poulsbo, WA. For directions go to and scroll down to the Stone Chapel in Poulsbo.

My first SD-USA Granting Meeting by Oswald Norton

Top L-R Michael Barber, Oswald Norton, Rifka Several (office manager), Jane Katz, Mary Salisbury
Bottom L-R Kailani Ward, Halimah Brugger, Fauziyah Ishak, Loretta Covert (National Helper) Missing David Nicoletti (National Helper

Joining SD-USA as a board member brought about a new chapter in my Subud life: contributing to the work of our giving wing helping to distribute the support you, our members, contribute to these worthy causes.

Susila Dharma-USA provides funding for 19 Subud-member projects located around the world. I was given the opportunity to connect with 3 of these projects when I became a board member.

As a part of our annual granting meeting, my projects had to report on the use of their funds, granted for the previous year. And, complete a new application for funding for this year. At our granting meetings I was to represent these projects through the brief relationship I had been able to develop with them and the documents that they’d provided. It was an obligation I didn’t take lightly.  We didn’t have enough money to be able to provide the full funding requested.

Through our meeting, testing and decision processes over 2 zoom meetings and 2 days of in person meetings at Halimah Brugger’s home in Boise, ID, we were finally able to complete the process of determining how much we could provide each project, including mine.

Now that we’ve completed our granting for this year, I am grateful to the other board members and our national helpers for their help and guidance through this my first season. I look forward to the opportunity to get to learn more about the work of my projects and the communities they serve.

Please remember our work in your Zakat giving at the end of our month of fasting

Come! Celebrate! Live Music! 50 years of Grace in our Seattle Subud House

Everyone is invited, members, non-members, children, and friends; and welcome to attend (please bring a favorite holiday food) to the potluck Holiday Party and celebration of the 50th year of Subud Seattle owning our property.  Please join the festivities on Sunday, December 10, around noon (after 11AM latihan).  There will be 50 printed mugs available to  commemorate this event. A donation to cover the costs (and contribute to the building costs) is requested.

Live music will be provided by David Lynch and Maryka Ford.

[From an article that Sebastian Tedrow did with Chuck (now Robert) Cary]
“The history of Subud in Seattle starts in 1959. We were opened by a group of Subud Members from Vancouver BC. Members of the Vancouver group were originally opened by the Von Bissings who I believe were on a world tour to promote Subud and sailed from San Francisco to Vancouver in a yacht.”

The article continued: “Ann and I were opened in what later became the first Subud House in Seattle… Sebastian: The address is 959 Broadway E. It is currently a Bed and Breakfast – ‘The Bacon Mansion.’” Cary continued, “Before it became a Subud House it was leased by an organization called the ‘Center of Integration’”. [To read the full article, click here]

After the group was no longer able to lease the house, it rented a storefront on Belmont and Olive in Seattle. It was in a crime-ridden area of the City with heroin sales happening in the area and in the adjacent tavern, according to an interview that Paul Nelson did with Sebastian and Robert in March of 2022. After doing some fasting for help with finding a suitable building, the group was led to our current location. [To hear the full interview, click here.]

After seeing the building Lawrence Crouse wrote a binding check for $500 for the purchase of the house, He and Roseanna Crouse provided the main part of the loan with Bob and Andrea Maynard among others contributing as well. Sebastian Tedrow agreed to be the chairman and to sign the documents for the loan.

Rachman Cantrell discovered an article that Robert (now Sebastian) Tedrow published in a SUSA article and wrote about it in this post from May 26th of 2021. It included a picture he took of the house in 1973. To read that article click here

One of the first renovations that the house received was in 1976 when Bapak came to visit and what is now the ladies latihan space was converted into his bedroom and the toilet on the first floor was added.

Other renovations have happened since then through the contributions of many current and former members including Evan Padilla, Marston Gregory and Insiah Caspers. It is their efforts that have modernized the house and made it possible for us to continue to worship Almighty God in our own facilities.

It is only through the efforts of those willing to serve our community that we have purchased and been able to maintain our facility. Please consider becoming one of those members that does the hard work of keeping it possible for us to worship in our own facilities by becoming a member of our committee in January of 2024.

General meeting and election Sunday, January 14th.

General meeting and election of officers after latihan Sunday, January 14th.

We ask all Subud Seattle members to consider serving on the next committee in preparation for our selection process on Sunday, January 14th after latihan.  Please open yourselves to the possibility of serving our community

Positions to be tested are chair and vice chair.

The current committee will be available for mentoring and guidance should the new committee want that.

Archive Help Needed

We’ll have many documents pertaining to our rich Subud Seattle Culture which came from David Freeman via Salamah O’Brien.

If you can help identify them and the people in the photos, with dates, etc., your help would be greatly appreciated.

Let’s fill up on Kejiwaan – November 9-12. Last Call For Registration

This Farewell to Menucha gathering is nearing close of registration. We still have desirable accommodations available, even a “couples’ room”. All spaces have been priced as reasonably as possible and the turnout is good so far. Come and join us as we say farewell (for now) to this location. All registrations must be completed by no later than 10/9.

For questions contact or text 503-577-2911

From the Pacific Northwest Regional Helpers to EVERYONE!

Regional Helpers at this weekend’s Planning Retreat for our Kedjiwaan weekend. Pictured L to R: Rayma Norton, Albert Palmeter, Rosalyn Neel, Nathaniel Gottumukkala, David Lynch, Daniella Gleeson. Not pictured: Margarite Charney and Halima Brugger (new regional helper)

We welcome and encourage every Subud member to attend this year’s kedjiwaan gathering at Menucha.  No matter whether you’ve come to Menucha before or not, please consider this a special invitation to spend time with other Subud brothers and sisters from this region and beyond.  We hope this year, our last at Menucha, will be a time of renewal.

Here’s a list of the spaces available (9/29):

To immediately register for this event, please use this link.

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds).

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