Author Archives: Bhakti Watts

General Meeting October 24th 12:00PM

The General Meeting of Subud Greater Seattle will take place this Sunday at noon at Spring Street Center. The Agenda is as follows:

Check-in, Helper report, Financial report, Yard maintenance

If you are not attending latihan in person, you may attend the meeting via Zoom. The link to join is:

SUBUD zoom is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: General Meeting
Time: Oct 24, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 202 1449
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Meeting ID: 988 202 1449
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Kedjiwaan Day November 14th

Subud PNW will host a Kedjiwaan Day on Sunday November 14th at 12:30 PM. The event will be virtual, so people can participate from home if they like. Those who have gathered for in-person latihan can participate as a group. We will arrange to have  laptops in the men’s and women’s halls.

Restroom Sharing

Sisters, I will put a reminder notice on the inside of the quiet room door nearest the restroom, but remember, we are sharing the restroom with the guests renting the house. We really need to wipe down any surfaces we have touched and sign the sheet that says we did it, for our own safety and that of our guests.

September Financial Report

September 24, 2021

If You Haven’t Donated – Consider Your Donation a direct donation to Subud PNW

Your committee believes that all members should help contribute to our center and through it to the region.  For those who haven’t yet contributed this year, we’re making the following offer:

Every contribution from anyone who hasn’t contributed this year will go to Subud PNW. These contributions will help Subud PNW to support, among other areas, the following:

– SPNW’s commitment to SUSA and through it to our national cultural wing (SICA) and charity wing (SDUSA)

– SUSA’s contributions to Muhammed Subud Foundation and SDIA and it support of members in need.

Each year SPNW has relied on extra money from our annual kedjiwan gathering at the Menucha Conference Center to support the work of the region. Due to COVID-19 it has not been possible to hold this event for two years.

Our goal for 2021 is to have everyone contribute something toward the upkeep of our center and through it the region. Those who are already contributing monthly have already made their commitment. How about you?

If you give one time, that contribution will go directly to the region. If you can commit to giving monthly, each month a portion of your contribution will go to the region. 

Future Expenses – Progress on fund raising to repairing the siding on the South side of our building.

Through September members have contributed $3,010. Combined with $3000 of the income received from our iTrips rentals we now have $6,010 saved for that project.  We now need to raise an additional $15,990 before the project can begin.

Building Repairs Fund

We are grateful for members who already have contributed-over and above their regular contributions-to this fund. 

iTrip bookings for the remainder of the year will be able to cover some of our costs, but we anticipate that we will need additional contributions from the members. Earmark these donations for the building fund.

Building Rentals

We had 45 days of rentals in September bringing in rental income of approximately $4,196. This will be deposited in October after the income statement is finalized. From the income received, we will retire the remaining $1,000 of our debt to Subud PNW. We will then add an additional $3,000 to the Building Repairs Fund.


Donations continued their downward trend. September’s contributions were lowest of 2021. If you missed sending in your contribution in September, please consider increasing your donation in October. 

New to Subud? How to contribute

If you are new to our group and looking for a way to contribute, here’s how:

Single or Monthly contribution from your bank

  1. Setup a recurring payment to “Subud PNW – Seattle Center 
  2. Have the payment sent to:

Subud PNW – Seattle Center

1101 15th Ave

Seattle, WA 98122-4523

New Sink!

Thanks to Ricardo Santos for installing the new sink in the bathroom adjacent to the men’s Latihan hall! What a difference it makes in the look and function of the room!