Note from Adira!

Hello Everyone,
This coming weekend, we have the house Saturday October 12th through
to Monday Oct. 14th. We will have a General Meeting on Sunday.
We will have a potluck. Every time, we have a GM we will have a potluck.
Every time, we have an open house, we will have a potluck.
1. Review of previous GM minutes.
2. Announcements from the Helpers.
3. Someone is needed to take notes. We need a volunteer to be secretary.
4. Checking in with Sarah, our treasurer.
5. Checking in with Marston about the house.
6. Checking in with Debbie about the house-and any plans.
7. How Antje, gardener, can get paid on time.
Please add items you would like on the agenda.
Thank you.

News Items

  Note from Honor Drew.
Just letting you know that Rosalyn has begun her next journey.  She passed peacefully at 11:23pm Saturday night, September 21, 2024.
Rosalyn Neel was a longtime Subud member who served in many capacities over the years including regional and national helper.  She was friends to many and is survived by her sister, Serena Dubois.  She lived in the Subud house near Bellingham until recently.   I will add more info as it becomes available.
Link to photos of Rosalyn over many years:
Open House dates:
The upcoming dates for us having the Subud house are:
Oct 12-14
Nov 16-18
Dec 7-9

Note from Halimah Brugger

Please send my thanks to the Subud Seattle Center for the use of their wonderful Subud House.  It was the perfect location for our National Helpers’ first meeting together.  Bapak kept encouraging us in the early days to have our own Subud Houses.  And Subud Seattle did it!!  These wonderful houses dedicated to the latihan, and incidentally bringing in money, are a real blessing for our Subud organization.  The space, the quiet, the comfort were a wonderful blessing for our meeting.
Thank you,
Halimah Brugger

Note from Debbie regarding use of the house

Directions and the link below for all Subud members who request reservations for Spring Street Center. The link will take them directly to the iTrip website for Spring Street Center so they can explore availability and cost.

Here are the directions:

1. In the iTrip reservation website for Spring Street Center, please choose your dates

2. Review the total amount for the requested dates and take 10% off (this includes nightly rate, insurance and fees, cleaning, and all taxes).

3. Email me at Write in the subject line: Subud Member Booking Request and share your selected dates in the email. Remember checkin is 4pm and checkout is 11am so book according to your arrival and departure needs. No early checkin or checkout is offered in advance.

NOTE: Please do not email me if the price is not within your budget. The Subud Board has only approved 10% off the advertised rate for members and I am not allowed to go lower.

4. I MUST book the reservation online if you want the 10% discount. I will block the dates, send an email confirmation, and a request for payment via credit card.

Thank you!

National Helpers Meet in Seattle

Last weekend the new national helpers were using our house for their introductory meetings, which, I am told went very well.  They were very appreciative and gave praise for our facility and how well it worked for their meetings.  

On Sunday the group was invited to meet with them and have a potluck lunch, which was very delicious!  Thanks ladies! 

The latihan for me was very strong and after the men had a discussion.  Various items were brought up and I mentioned that I had in the past year or so had trouble receiving the latihan by saying ‘begin’ but when I inwardly asked to receive the ‘latihan kejiwaan of Subud’ my latihan started very strongly and has continued over the past year or so to be very strong when I asked that question to begin the latihan.  I felt this could be helpful to members who may have a hard time feeling the latihan.

I also brought up my feeling that I had been neglectful of doing my helper work and felt that it was important to make sure new members were able to receive by themselves on questions regarding direction in their lives as I had done in the early days of my Subud life.  I realized that we had been a bit negligent in carrying out that duty and I felt the need to address that issue.  If any newer members would like to explore how to do testing alone, please contact me or any of the other local helpers.  I have found it very useful over many years and feel my own personal testing has always led in a positive direction. It is truly a tool for helping to lead to a better, more productive and joyful life and like any tool it needs to be used properly!  

It was enjoyable talking to my brothers and sisters after lunch.  I feel we truly are a family, but even in families we make mistakes and disagree. I hope we can all learn from the mistakes and become more harmonious in our dealings with each other. 

 Please forgive me for the mistakes I have made both recently and in the past!  I truly give thanks for receiving the bountiful blessings of the latihan!  May those blessings continue and spread throughout the world!


Rosalyn Neel Needs Help

Tuesday September 10 Rosalyn has had some rough days. She is still in the hospital and is quite frail and weak. She appreciates everyone’s thoughts and prayers. ~Honora
Message from Marston:
Honora Drew has set up a GoFundMe to help Rosalyn Neel pay for
hospital bills until she gets on Medicaid.
Hey there! I wanted to share a GoFundMe for Rosalyn Neel, who is currently in the hospital and needs help securing essential care while she waits for Medicaid coverage. Any donation, no matter the size, can make a real difference for her during this tough time. If you’re able, please consider clicking the link below to donate or share it with others who might want to help. Thank you!
We hope to raise $5000 which should cover up to when aid would be available.
GoFundMe account:

Note from Adira!

Hello Everyone!

This Sunday, August 25th, we will have a General Meeting after Latihan.
This is a potluck. All our General Meetings will be potlucks! Please bring a dish to share.
Topics to Discuss: (meeting will be 1230 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
1. Review of previous meeting minutes.
2. Announcements from our Helpers.
3. Debbie Machado will discuss her thoughts on the use of SUBUD house with Itrips and how she sees our future income.  Will ask for your input and ideas on this topic.
4. Updates on repairs, bids for repairs, etc.
5. Update:  The locks have been changed. Will discuss.
6. Misc. Announcements. TBD.
See you there!

Canadian Retreat Info

Hi everyone – greetings from north of the border.

Here is some very preliminary information about our Bethlehem Retreat that will be happening on Vancouver Island over the first weekend in November.
I would be very grateful if you can forward it to your members in the PNW as we’d love to welcome some of you to this weekend.
For those who like to plan ahead (and I know there are a few of you out there!), this note is to let you know that we have booked the Bethlehem Retreat Centre, near Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, again for this fall.
This weekend gathering is slightly later this year (November 1 to 3), but the format will likely be similar to previous retreats – from late Friday afternoon to early Sunday afternoon.
Despite rising costs, once again as a result of a very generous donation by Subud Vancouver, we have managed to maintain affordable registration rates.
The full registration package will be sent out in late summer/early fall, but this is an early “heads up” for you to put November 1 to 3 in your calendar now!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
All the best,
Dave Hitchcock

Report from 2024 World Congress – Kalimantan – Days 2&3

Last afternoon our Subud World Congress began with speeches from Indonesian and WSA dignitaries, an official rice mountain, cut by Ibu Rahayu’s sisters and presented to the Indonesian officials, acknowledgement of the representatives that are here from each country and entertainment.
Entertainment included an opening piece with multiple costume changes by a renowned exotic dancer, a specially created Dayak folk dance and a performance from the Children’s Choir of Bina Cita Utama (BCU) School that included “We Are the World” that all attendees were invited to sing along with.
An update on days 2&3 from Oswald and Rayma
I’ll start with Day 3 first – our morning plenary session
Headline: The new WSC Chair is Rifka Several.
The purpose of this morning plenary session was to complete the testing of the 8 candidates (3 women and 5 men) who had put their name forward to test for the next WSA Chair.  The testing took most of the morning and was very harmonious. Appreciation was given to all of the candidates who were willing to serve.
Following this testing, the outgoing chair Nahum Harlap gave a brief speech detailing how this work as WSA chair had helped him to grow.  The term has been for 5 years, and he felt he grew the most in the last year.  He expressed his gratitude for to all of the zone reps he worked with and to the International Helpers who were always present.  He offered his congratulations to Rifka and wished her blessings in her upcoming term.
Day 2 was mostly a kedjiwaan day with the men starting the morning with a Bapak talk from 1981 in Los Angeles and the women doing latihan and testing.  in the afternoon we switched with the men doing latihan and testing while the women saw the talk.
Day 3 begins our tours of the SDIA projects with a visit to YUM in the morning and a visit to Bina Cita Utama in the afternoon.
Love, Oswald
News Flash:
After 3 presentations from US/Canada, Britian/Scotland and Portugal (which made a proposal at the last minute) Portugal was selected as the sight for the next World Congress after testing by the International Helpers.
Tomorrow the IHs will test about the congress being in either 2028 or 2029.
There were concerns from the delegates about Portugal’s ability to carry this off. This concern was addressed by the delegates asking all of the countries in Portugals zone to join with them in supporting this effort.
The presenter of the Portugal proposal is going to send out a link on the WhatsApp Congress channel.  I will then send you a link.