Subud PNW Minutes 10/8/14

– Agree on the Agenda and added Center Reports to it
– Treasurers report
– Updating our Insurance policy and addition of a written policy of Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination*
– The Budget 2015
– Menucha update.
+ Totals so far
+ Chairs – who’s coming.
+ New Committee Testing date and time
+ Lunch together and talking about the members of the board’s vision for the coming year?
– Regional Helper Report
– Any items the Regional Helpers would like to discuss.

* Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy Statement
It is the policy of Subud Pacific Northwest (Subud PNW) to provide an environment free of harassment and discrimination for all persons with whom we interact.
No form of harassment or discrimination based upon an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, marital status, veteran’s status or other protected status will be tolerated.
“Harassment” includes, but is not limited to, verbal, graphic, or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or marital status. This also includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other conduct of a sexual nature.
Anyone acting contrary to this policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including separation from his or her volunteer position.

Meeting Minutes
Board: Alexandra Terhorst, Robina Page, David Lynch, Michael DuBois, Bhakti Watts, Sherwin O’Bar, Oswald Norton
Helpers: Beata Alexander, Emile Ward, Elizabeth Flanders

Agenda- All
– Agree on the items in agenda, but added Center Reports to it.

Treasurer’s report – Sherwin
2013 Cash balance: $73,863
Current Cash balance: $70,132.
Hope we’ll be ahead by the end of the year. Current balance reflects the deposit that was made with Menucha. It is hoped that the deposit, plus additional funds, will bring Current Cash to above last year’s total.

Updating our Insurance policy and addition of a written policy of Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination*
. Oswald: SUSA has been working on this type of policy for its board members. The policy is in its final stages of being approved and this should happen at the next SUSA Board Meeting. However, this policy only covers SUSA board members.
. Alexandra: We need out own policy. She wants a policy that will cover all chairs who are doing volunteer work for the Subud PNW organization.
Research So Far and Action Items:
– Need to fill out a basic policy regarding our organization to get a quote. The application is in process now.
– Need to have a written polity of Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination. A policy statement has been created.
– Review the policy statement. Here’s the statement:
Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy Statement

It is the policy of Subud Pacific Northwest (Subud PNW) to provide an environment free of harassment and discrimination for all persons with whom we interact.

No form of harassment or discrimination based upon an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, marital status, veteran’s status or other protected status will be tolerated.

“Harassment” includes, but is not limited to, verbal, graphic, or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or marital status. This also includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other conduct of a sexual nature.

Anyone acting contrary to this policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including separation from his or her volunteer position.

– Motion: I move that we adopt the anti-harassment policy. Michael DuBois, second: Bhakti Watts
All in favor: Unanimous.

. At this meeting, we agree that we are approving this policy as our Boards Code of Conduct.
. We need to work out when/how to publicize this out to all groups and make it official.

Action: Complete purchase of Indemnification Policy before next Board meeting in November if the cost of the policy is in the $1100-$1200 range.

All board members voted in favor of this action.

The Budget 2015. Sherwin.
Sherwin will prepare a budget proposal for our next meeting in November. The usually process has been to look at look at the prior year and inflate by 2%.

Menucha update. Alexandra
+ Totals: 77 people coming. This includes day-pass usage and rooms. Current registrations are up over $18,000. Current bill is $17,000. There will be 50+ staying on site. There’s room left in Wright Hall. (Since the meeting this building is now full)
+ The deadline for registering is Friday 10/10. There will be no payments on site.
+ Check option was removed, because there isn’t time for checks to come in and be deposited by 10/10.
+ Board Members Attending: Alexandra Terhorst, Robina Page, David Lynch, Bhakti Watts, Oswald Norton
+ Board Members not attending: Michael DuBois and Sherwin O’Bar
+ All Regional Helpers will be attending: Beata Alexander, Michael Alexander, Nadia Woodcock, Halimah Bellows, Emile Ward, Elisha Gullixson and Elizabeth Flanders
+ The new committee requested an hour be scheduled with the Regional Helpers to do testing about the coming term.
Action: Beata, Emile and Elizabeth will bring this up on the 16th in the Regional Helper conference call.
+ The new committee would also like to have lunch together with the dewan to be able to sit down and have a conversation about what we’d like to see happen in the coming year.

Regional Helper Report.
All got together at the Alexander’s and got to know each other and began setting up individual tasks.
Michael DuBois: Do you have any travel plans yet? Would like to see the schedule and plans getting started.
Emile: Traveling and visiting people is on the conference call.
There was also a request from Seattle for testing. But National Helpers will be there.
They are attempting to use Skype for their regular calls to enable seeing each other. Doing research on how to set this up.
They will be setting up Regional Latihans – invitational cards will be sent out.
They are beginning to work on census
Action: Request for information to create a Budget for Regional Helpers Travel.
Oswald: Can we get a sense of how much travel the helpers are planning on, so that we can have sufficient budget to cover the travel costs.
Sherwin: Helpers usually charge a mileage charge of $.25/mile.

Beata: We need to capture what the cost are even if they’re donated. Some helpers donate the cost of their travel.
Oswald: With SUSA there is a way for National Helpers to donate their costs and receive a donation letter for the amount donated.
Action: Sherwin to research how to do this.
NOTE: Sebastian Tedrow can provide the details.

Local Center Reports.
Subud Skagit Valley – Michael DuBois
– Bachrun Waite is returning from Australia to Skagit valley.
– Bird Walk February 14, 2015. Cost $50. Reserve with a $25 non-refundable payment. Expect to be included in the ‘Walk’ a phenomenal dinner which is included in the cost.
– The group is working to create more cross-boarder events with the Vancouver, Canada group.
– The Canadian family camp will be Memorial Day weekend next year which I why we’re keeping Family Camp on the Labor Day weekend.

Subud Portland – Bhakti Watts
– Nothing much to report. General Membership meeting this Sunday.
NOTE: The whole Dewan expressed its appreciation for Portland hosting the Regional Congress in such a wonderful way.
Subud Greater Seattle – David Lynch
– Center meeting last weekend.
– On Sunday October 12th, 2014 the group will celebrate their 40 year anniversary of the Subud House, followed by pot luck.
– AirBnB continues to provide income.
– Paul Nelson is continuing with the SICA.
– There is also a Dewan Meeting his Sunday
– The members in Olympia now include 3 men and one women

Next Board Meeting 11/12/14. Latihan 7. Conference Call and meeting 7:45