From Daniel Stralberg,
Halstein Stralberg
1939 – 2022
Pappa may your soul be free and find its way to its true home.
You were my father, and also my Subud Brother, Guide, and Mentor. I owe so much of what I am to you.
You were 100% dedicated to Subud for 64+ years, and were universally loved and respected by Subud members around the world.
You did the work that was in front of you without complaints, was always generous with your time, and was always honest and fair.
I was often a little too serious and you knew exactly how to lighten me up when I needed it most with your wonderful laugh.
A life well lived.
I will miss you.
Link to photos of Halstein over the past fifty years or so!

We will miss you, Halstein! You were a great brother, devoted Subud member and a good example for us all!