Kedjiwaan Day Sat Dec 9

The Subud House

This Saturday there will be a kedjiwaan day at the Seattle Subud House. Oswald Norton and other Regional Helpers are working on the agenda, but here is a draft:

Morning Session:
o Start with latihan at 10 (quiet at 9:45?)
After the latihan ask the group to test these questions:
   + May I receive the state of listening where I can hear the authentic self of the person speaking
  + May I receive the correct state to be able to speak from my authentic self.
+ May we each receive for ourselves, what do I need to let go of to support harmony in Subud Greater Seattle.
Checking in time with each other: After latihan have a circle – similar to the one at Menucha where each person can within a short period of time:
  + What’s going on in their lives.
  + Talk about one hope that they have for the future of Subud Greater Seattle
  + Perhaps we could write these down as members speak about them.
Facilitated Ground Rules:
   – No cross talk
   – Use I statements
   – Limited to nn minutes – depending on group size.
o Lunch…..after check-in and before further testing we’d have lunch
Afternoon Session:
o Testing based upon what comes up during the check-in.
o End the day with men and women sharing what was received.  Possibly a discussion about next steps that the group would like to take.

Please bring a dish to share with your Subud Sisters and Brothers.

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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.