Category Archives: General Announcements

Canadian Retreat Info

Hi everyone – greetings from north of the border.

Here is some very preliminary information about our Bethlehem Retreat that will be happening on Vancouver Island over the first weekend in November.
I would be very grateful if you can forward it to your members in the PNW as we’d love to welcome some of you to this weekend.
For those who like to plan ahead (and I know there are a few of you out there!), this note is to let you know that we have booked the Bethlehem Retreat Centre, near Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, again for this fall.
This weekend gathering is slightly later this year (November 1 to 3), but the format will likely be similar to previous retreats – from late Friday afternoon to early Sunday afternoon.
Despite rising costs, once again as a result of a very generous donation by Subud Vancouver, we have managed to maintain affordable registration rates.
The full registration package will be sent out in late summer/early fall, but this is an early “heads up” for you to put November 1 to 3 in your calendar now!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
All the best,
Dave Hitchcock

Report from 2024 World Congress – Kalimantan – Days 2&3

Last afternoon our Subud World Congress began with speeches from Indonesian and WSA dignitaries, an official rice mountain, cut by Ibu Rahayu’s sisters and presented to the Indonesian officials, acknowledgement of the representatives that are here from each country and entertainment.
Entertainment included an opening piece with multiple costume changes by a renowned exotic dancer, a specially created Dayak folk dance and a performance from the Children’s Choir of Bina Cita Utama (BCU) School that included “We Are the World” that all attendees were invited to sing along with.
An update on days 2&3 from Oswald and Rayma
I’ll start with Day 3 first – our morning plenary session
Headline: The new WSC Chair is Rifka Several.
The purpose of this morning plenary session was to complete the testing of the 8 candidates (3 women and 5 men) who had put their name forward to test for the next WSA Chair.  The testing took most of the morning and was very harmonious. Appreciation was given to all of the candidates who were willing to serve.
Following this testing, the outgoing chair Nahum Harlap gave a brief speech detailing how this work as WSA chair had helped him to grow.  The term has been for 5 years, and he felt he grew the most in the last year.  He expressed his gratitude for to all of the zone reps he worked with and to the International Helpers who were always present.  He offered his congratulations to Rifka and wished her blessings in her upcoming term.
Day 2 was mostly a kedjiwaan day with the men starting the morning with a Bapak talk from 1981 in Los Angeles and the women doing latihan and testing.  in the afternoon we switched with the men doing latihan and testing while the women saw the talk.
Day 3 begins our tours of the SDIA projects with a visit to YUM in the morning and a visit to Bina Cita Utama in the afternoon.
Love, Oswald
News Flash:
After 3 presentations from US/Canada, Britian/Scotland and Portugal (which made a proposal at the last minute) Portugal was selected as the sight for the next World Congress after testing by the International Helpers.
Tomorrow the IHs will test about the congress being in either 2028 or 2029.
There were concerns from the delegates about Portugal’s ability to carry this off. This concern was addressed by the delegates asking all of the countries in Portugals zone to join with them in supporting this effort.
The presenter of the Portugal proposal is going to send out a link on the WhatsApp Congress channel.  I will then send you a link.

Subud Canada Event

On June 21 through 23 Canada had their annual gathering in Crescent Beach about two and a half hours north of Seattle.  Aida and I both attended.  I had received a very positive answer about going and it turned out to be right!  It was in the Alexandra Retreat and Events Center,  2916 McBride Ave, Surrey, BC V4A 3G2, a lovely facility with accommodations for all and great latihan venues about a two and a half hour drive north of Seattle!  Our drive to the facility was marred by missing the freeway turnoff and getting mired for two hours in Vancouver rush hour traffic but we eventually found our way to the center, and the drive returning home including the border crossing was only a little over two hours.  

The latihans were very strong and deep and we both felt a kinship and love for our Canadian brothers and sisters who were very friendly and inviting to their southern neighbors!  

The prices were very reasonable, and the food was both delicious and acceptable.  The delicious part was from Kumari Beck who served dinner on Friday night and breakfast on Saturday morning.  Her food was really wonderful!  The other meals were typical catered congress fare.  

We strongly recommend this venue to our USA brothers and sisters for next year’s Subud Canada event!   It is worth the trip!   

Sachlan Cherpitel also came from the East coast and took loads of videos and photos, and I took quite a few photos myself.  Take a look and help me identify people by adding info next to the individual photos in the link below:  

Cell phone images

Nikon camera images

All in all it was a wonderful trip!  We made new friends and had a lovely time!  

Rachman Cantrell

Note from Oswald

Subject: Bring your treasures to Subud Portland Auction to support SD-USA

Subud Portland is organizing a silent auction at National Congress. Proceeds will go towards the 2025 Portland Match. They are already planning their support for SD USA next year!

A special note from Marilyn Schirk

We are working hard on the silent auction for SD USA.  Come by and shop.  If you have any little treasures for the auction that will fit in your suitcase, bring along.  Thanks so very much.

Bapak’s Talk to Applicants

Bapak speaks to applicants
Singapore 1960

This is the only talk Bapak ever gave to applicants.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Subud is an abbreviation of the words-Susila-Budhi-Dharma. Subud is not a new religion; nor a sect of any religion; nor is it a teaching. It is only a symbol for “the possibility for man to follow the right way of living.”

Susila means to be able to live according to the Will of God as really true human beings.

Budhi indicates that in every creation, in every creature of God, including man, there is divine power which works within him as well as outside him.

Dharma means the possibility for every creature, including man, to surrender completely to the Will of God, of whom man is only a creation and has therefore, inevitably to submit to the Will of his Creator.

Susila Budhi Dharma means to follow the Will of God with the help of the Divine Power that works both within us and without, by the way of surrendering oneself to the Will of Almighty God.

Susila Budhi Dharma is the symbol of what we are practicing in the spiritual exercise of Subud; it means that whatever happens in the spiritual exercises of Subud is entirely the Will of God and comes to us because God wills it for us.

This is exactly according to what has been said in the Holy Books-the Bible, Quran, and others that may exist; that is, God is close to man or if man has come close to God, then God can give man the things man needs, and that man can receive the things that God intends him to have.

What is it that we have to surrender to God? It is not our wealth, the ones we love, nor whatever else we possess, because God has no need of those things. What we have to surrender is our mind, our hearts and our desires, because those are the instruments that form an obstacle to our coming closer to God.

This is what Jesus Christ meant when he said that God will always be with us if we can surrender ourselves to Him and if we can love him more than anything else, more than ourselves. This means that the love that we have with our hearts and with our feelings is an obstacle that prevents us from coming to the true love of God, because this outer love is only love of things we like to believe we love. But the love that we must have of God must be greater than this.

To the prophet Muhammad was given the revelation that God existed before anything else existed, and that God will be after everything is destroyed. God is farther away than the farthest things there are. He is deeper within than anything else, which means that God has created really everything and because He created everything, He will also take care of everything.

It is also said that God has no form, no speech, no country, no color because if He would, for instance, have a country there would be more than one God because for every country there would be one God; and if He would have a color, there would also be more than one God because every color needs a God. And this is what is meant by the saying: “God is one and master of all.”

Also, God created without tools and materials. If man wants to make something, for instance, a table, he needs wood, he needs nails, a hammer and other tools; and to be able to make the atom bomb man needs more tools to break down the material into atoms. But with God it is wholly different. God works without materials or tools. It follows that for man to understand and to know what is in the mind and heart of God the only thing to do is to surrender himself entirely; because, with his own mind and his own heart and his own desires he will never be able to find God. Only by surrendering himself completely to God, not making use of his mind, his heart or his desire, is it possible for man to come into contact with the power of God.

The only thing we do is surrender ourselves completely and only accept and receive whatever God sends or wants us to have. This is indeed what every prophet has said: “Surrender yourself entirely, submit completely to God, and then God will take care of you and give you guidance.” In these spiritual exercises we do not expect anything in particular. We do not make for ourselves any image, but we only receive whatever God may send us.

So this divine power, which works in us during the exercises, will bring to each person what is already in himself. For instance, if a person has a loud and strong voice, he will utter sounds that are very loud and strong. But a Person who does not have such a loud voice will utter a softer sound. This goes for every part of our body, for every part of our being. Therefore, the exercises of latihan of two people can never be the same, because everyone is different from everyone else. Therefore, it is clear that there cannot be a theory or a spiritual teaching in Subud because each person is different from another. Whatever he needs and whatever he receives will be different from what somebody else needs and receives. This is why we cannot give any rule or prescription of how to behave when you are in the latihan, because this is something personal for everyone.

Every person will find the right way towards God for himself, and what may be the right way for one may be completely wrong for another. Therefore, you must not suppose that you have to follow or become like Muhammad Subuh. You must become your own self and you must develop your inner self if you want to find the way to God. You must not follow or imitate anyone else, because you must find your own way to God. Usually, if there is a teacher, he teaches his followers to do exactly the same as he does in order to reach what he has reached. But this is really wrong, because not only between a teacher and his followers but even between two brothers of the same parents there is already a big difference: not only in outward appearances but also in their character and in their whole being. So surely you can understand now that what is the right way for a certain teacher to find God is not necessarily the right way for his pupils.

Therefore, Bapak says, it is God who will lead you toward Himself and what really happens in the spiritual exercises is that you will be introduced to your real inner self- to the real I. You must not be afraid, and you must not be worried because whatever comes to you in your latihan is only what is in you, and it comes from your inner self. It is the real you that arises in the latihan, so you do not have to be worried or afraid.

In Subud, there is no discrimination between the different religions because what comes to a person is really what is already there within him. So, if a person is a Christian he will meet the real Christ within him, and if a person is a Buddhist, he will meet the real Buddha in him. The same if he is a Mohammedan, he will meet the Moslem within himself. And then, if you really know your inner self, then, in everything you do, you’ll be guided by the divine power because the divine power works in you through yourself, and whether you work in your office or drive a car or do anything else, you‘ll be guided by the power of God, which is always working within you, but also outside of you.

Then it will be true what is said in the Quran, that before you undertake anything you should say: Bismillah errahman amrahim. This means that you follow God’s guidance, and you will only do whatever God brings you to do, and that you will not be in haste to do something and only afterwards remember God and regret what you have done. When God is always before something you are doing, then it must be the right thing to do. And this is also the real meaning of what is done by Christians when they pray before they eat or before they go to sleep. And this also means that you should not do anything without God guiding you, because if you forget God in something you do there will be no help from God if anything goes wrong. The power we see is only to convince us that the Almighty Power of God works not only within us but also in all creation, and even outside of all creation.

That is why in the spiritual exercise we will not harm our religion, because what we think and what we carry out is only the Will of God, and we only carry out what is already within us. So, a person who has a religion will experience in the latihan only according to what is in his religion and according to what is within him.

Some among you may ask where Bapak got all this from and Bapak answers: he received this when he was in the same situation as you are. He was working, he was still doing his job in the office and whatever else he had to do, and even liking it. All of a sudden everything stopped. His mind stopped working and his heart stopped working and his desires stopped working and then he received as everybody receives in the latihan. He was not looking for wisdom, he did not have a guru, a teacher. He just received it, and that is what is called Mu ‘jizat-ulla, a divine gift. This comes to a person only while that person is not looking for it, and when he is ready for such a gift then God will bestow that gift on that person.

You may have heard about the healing of Eva Bartok. It was not Bapak who helped her or cured her. But he showed her how to worship God and it was her good fortune that God willed her to get well. So, she got well, and everything was well with her. But it was not Bapak who cured her. He only showed her the way to worship. The healing of a person is only a matter between him and God, and no one else can interfere.

Further, Bapak leaves it to you to decide whether or not you want to come to these spiritual exercises, because of the worship of God there is nothing compulsory. Everyone must be free. But whenever one asks, it will be given.

Good night and thank you.







Bellingham Subud House Plans

Here’s an update on the Bellingham house plus, a reminder to pick up anything from the house you’d like to have.

Monday, May 20: Annie Padilla is coming to pick up items for the Seattle Subud House or to store. Things like Bapak portraits, books, whatever Subud memorabilia she may be willing to transport. This in part because she believes such things belong in a Subud home. She has also kindly offered to deliver items set aside for the SD Auction at the National Gathering and a few books for Subud Portland.

Wednesday, May 22: The inspector hired by the PNW Committee will go through the house and write a report. Michael and Rosalyn will be there.

Thursday, May 23: Nadia is coming to help sort items in the garage, the cupboards by the back door and whatever else, wherever else. There is much that will need to be dumped or recycled, including some hazardous materials, (old paint, etc.) and some large items, like doors and pallets.

Wednesday, May 29: Men will be doing Latihan at the house. Marius will be taking the pews, but the plan is to leave them until Rosalyn moves out, allowing men to continue doing Latihan there.

Tuesday, June 4: Habitat for Humanity is coming to pick up certain items, i.e. chairs and table in front room, perhaps some items in the garage; whatever may be left that they deem suitable.

The PNW Committee is hiring a yard service to trim hedges, cut the lawn, and whatever else.

Rosalyn is making significant progress in sorting and packing, in part with the help of a friend who visited for over a week.

All of us, including the Tedrows, have worked to make the house a nice space for latihan and it has served us well for 25 amazing years in so many countless ways. All the kejiwaan days, potluck meetings, events, work parties, fundraisers – including nine famous bird-walks, a concert, 24-hour I-5 rest stop weekends, mugs, recycling bags. But the time has really come to leave it – the Subud sign in the front window was accidentally bumped a couple days ago and it shattered in pieces to the floor. It’s gone.

So many thanks to Rosalyn for keeping the house in order for 16 years and to Michael who has been the gardener and fixit person for many years and most recently has assisted Rosalyn so well.

Prayers for Roosmiwati and family. She and family members are with Icsan in Port Orchard; he is failing quickly. David Lynch was able to do Latihan with Icsan.

Prayers for us all.

Link to Bellingham photos below.





Crescent Beach Gathering in Canada 6/21-23

Hi everyone.
As you know, this year’s Crescent Beach Gathering (just south of Vancouver) will be taking place from June 21 to 23.
The Early Bird registration deadline for those wishing to stay overnight at the Alexandra Centre is May 14 – just a week away – so please register now to take advantage of the lower rates.
The final registration deadline, for both overnight and day visitors, is June 14 – but it certainly helps the organizers if you can register sooner, rather than later!
The registration package is attached.
Although plans are still being finalized – along with the usual latihans, testing, socializing and hanging-out, there will be a number of other events happening at this year’s gathering, including:
  • Come and help celebrate Bapak’s birthday
  • A hybrid (in-person & virtual) Subud Canada AGM will take place for members of Subud Canada on Saturday afternoon
  • Kumari Beck will be organizing dinner on Friday night and breakfast on Saturday morning. Other meals will be provided by the Centre
  • Adena and Michelle von Hahn have lots of ideas for youth activities over the weekend. Anyone who is “young at heart” is invited to participate!
A very tentative (bare bones) schedule is attached, but it will give you some idea of what to expect.
Please let me know if you have a workshop or other activity that you would like to offer over the weekend.
Dave Hitchcock
for the Organizing Team
Registration package

Robert Knill Memorial Service Information

Marius Hibbard, Robert Knill and Elisha Gullixson.

The Celebration of Life for Robert Knill will be held at the Stone Chapel in Poulsbo on Saturday, June 8, beginning at 12 noon.  Lunch will be served from 12:30 – 1:30 followed by a time for sharing and live music ending at 4pm.

Please RSVP to Marlena

to let her know if you plan to attend and if you would like to share something about your friendship with Robert.

Ferry Connection From Seattle
Please note that you would need to arrive at least 30 mins. early to catch the 10:40 Bainbridge Ferry to get to the Stone Chapel by noon. It is about a 20 or 25 minute drive from the ferry.

Seattle to Bainbridge ferry Schedule

The Stone Chapel is at 22272 Foss Rd NE in Poulsbo, WA. For directions go to and scroll down to the Stone Chapel in Poulsbo.

Lorraine Tedrow Memorial Update

Lorraine Tedrow Memorial Saturday May 4, 2024, at The Subud Greater Seattle house. If you are planning to attend and have not yet RSVPed please do so before May 2 to
Parking is at a premium near the Subud House so carpool if you can.
Also Saturday is not a free parking day so most of the parking around the center is 2 hours so be aware. There are pay parking lots at the Swedish Cherry Hill Campus at 15th and Jefferson south of the Subud House.
We are hoping that the road construction materials will be removed before Saturday.