Menucha Pond by Rachman Cantrell
The PNW Regional Helpers would like to invite all members to join us in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge for Menucha November 10-13, 2022.
This is the first Menucha since 2019 and it’s time for us to be together once again for Latihan, camaraderie, community, workshops and entertainment. After this hiatus, who wouldn’t benefit from the opportunity to fill our inner cups? Please consider joining us, we’d love to see all of your beautiful faces!
Registration is open until October 15, 2022.
With Love,
Rosalyn Neel: 360-949-2577
Rosetta Koach: 503- 628-6357
Daniella Gleeson:
Margarite Charney: 541-840-4333
David Lynch: 360-742-6211
Albert Palmeter: 503-662-8202
Leonard Dixon: 360-998-6417