July 22 to 24, Subud Canada Gathering

Subud Canada Crescent Beach

Click Image for Registration PDF

From Dave Hitchcock:

Hi there.

Once again this year, from July 22 to 24, the Western Region of Subud Canada will be organizing a Family Gathering at Crescent Beach, in Surrey BC, very close to the US border.

In the past we have welcomed brothers and sisters from south of the border and we extend a very warm welcome again this year and hope that even more will be able to come!

Therefore, I am sending this note to a number of you, who I know are able to help “spread the word” and might even consider coming yourself!

Thank you in advance for helping us to promote this event.

Subud Canada Western Region Family Gathering at Crescent Beach, Surrey, BC – July 22 to 24, 2016

Only 3 months from now (at the end of July) you will either be:

  • reflecting on what a wonderful weekend you have just enjoyed at the Western Region Family Gathering at Crescent Beach, BC, OR
  • regretting that you didn’t attend this Gathering!

Which is it going to be? Hopefully, the former!

So, you need to, please:

  1. read the attached information,
  2. check out the following link to the website http://mcdwip.wix.com/crescentbeachand
  3. register, as soon as possible, to ensure that you:
  • take advantage of the Early Bird rates,
  • get the accommodation you want (“first come – first served”), and
  • aren’t one of those people regretting that you didn’t attend the gathering!

The website should contain all of the information you require about the gathering, but if you have any questions, please contact:

Maemunah Coleman Doran regarding registration (maemunahcd@gmail.com)


Dave Hitchcock about any other aspects of the gathering (hitch@shaw.ca).

I look forward to seeing you at Crescent Beach.

All the best,

Dave Hitchcock

Western Regional Chair Subud Canada

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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls. www.paulenelson.com